Top 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Yam

Top 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Yam

Vegetables are used in each and every house as daily food for healthy life. As it have a huge number of nutrients and vitamins in many of variants of vegetables. The nutrients are very essential for the body to prevent from wear tear of the body. In addition to this, an excellent and starchy tuber vegetable, which is originated in West Africa, is known as yams. Yams botanically belong to Dioscorea genus.

 It has  since 50,000 BC in Asia as well as Africa. Yams is one of the most consumed vegetables across the world as well as it is a staple food in Africa, South America, pacific Islands, and West Indies too. These are the many benefits that sweet potatoes must provide, and they also come in many (nearly 200) colors, from purple to yellow. 

 The commercially most significant variety of yams includes yellow yam, white yam, Chinese yam, trifoliate yam, and South East Asian yam. The good source of energy, yams, contains approximately 118 calories at each 100 grams. In addition to yams nutritional benefits, it has chiefly soluble fiber and complex carbohydrate.  

    Full of vitamins 

     It has also a great number of vitamins B complexes like vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Moreover, it also provides a huge number of vitamin C as well as antioxidants. Yams offer almost 30% of vitamin C, which is the daily requirement of the body and also helpful for protecting cell damages, as well as diseases. Therefore, the health and yams nutritional benefits including vitamin C are most significant for the body. 

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    Good source of the dietary fiber     

    Yam is also a good source of the dietary fiber, it contain about six grams fiber per medium sized yam. The fiber provided by yams plays an important role to prevent cholesterol build up in blood vessel. Thus, the use of yam increases cardiovascular health in order to reduce the risk of heart diseases, as well as stroke. 

     Helps in prevent cancer 

    yams nutritional benefits, in order to having a high amount of fiber is also helpful for weight loss. The yams also offer to prevention from a vital type of cancer namely colon cancer. It can be possible by the huge amount of fiber in yams that help to prevent colon cancer in order to preventing toxin compounds in food sticking to the colon mucosa.

    Maintain blood pressure 

     Moreover, the yam is also a great source of the potassium that can provide healthy blood pressure. If you want to maintain healthy blood pressure then you also need to maintain a balance of potassium, as well as sodium. 

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    Full of potassium 

     Consequently, yams play an important role in this regard as it provides almost 25% of potassium that is  value of potassium in order to a healthy body. The yams nutritional benefits are  as helpful beneficial for cell growth especially, hair growth because of vitamin A and the natural endorsing complexes such as beta carotene and antocynins. Thus, efficiency of beta carotene can help to reduce the problem of dull, dry, as well as lifeless hair.

    Benefits in Hair Growth 

    In addition to the benefits of vitamin A, yam offers to protect and produce oil in the scalp. Therefore, it is able to keep scalp hydrated and ward off hair fall due to breakage. Besides this, it also offers to keep mane shiny and silky. Consequently, yam helps to preserve hair and tremendous scalp. There are many healthy foods, which one can take from the market, but yam occupies a distinct place among them. You might have heard about this nutritional food.

     However, you have discovered an excellent plethora of health and yams nutritional benefits in the above lines. In order to stay fit and healthy, one needs numerous types of proteins, vitamins and nutrients, as well.

     In the world of impurity and inflation, it has become very difficult to find  food that can fulfill the demands of these health nutrients required for our body. 

    Happily, yams come in very inexpensive prices and offer a boatload of nutritional benefits that make them a unique option for those who are heath cautious. In addition to this, after knowing all the yams nutritional benefits you can help someone who have worried about health in order to share this information.

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